:Base clientin.hlp :Title The Wildcat Navigator - Client Install 1 Contents=IDH_CONTENTS 1 What the Wildcat! Navigator requires of the sysop=IDH_What_the_Wildcat_Navigator_requires_of_you 1 The Client Install program=IDH_The_Client_Install_Program 1 How is the Wildcat! Navigator structured?=IDH_How_the_Wildcat_Navigator_is_structured 1 Installing the Navigator for your own use=IDH_How_do_I_install_Navigator 1 Patches=IDH_Patches 1 What is a .WUP file?=IDH_What_is_a_WUP_file 1 What about WCNAV.EXE=IDH_WCNAV_ZIP 1 Where are the client files stored?=IDH_Where_are_the_Client_files_stored 1 Can my callers connect using other browsers?=IDH_Can_my_callers_connect_using_other_browsers